The Gaia... a natural value currency
from next culture: Archearchy
Gaias are a direct-value exchange system without a medium (meaning, without money).
Gaias are not money.
Gaias cannot be printed out on paper like Dollars, Yuan, Yen, Rubles, Pesos, or Rupiahs.
Gaias cannot be minted as coins.
Gaias cannot be stored in banking computers like Bitcoin and other digitial or cryptocurrencies.
You cannot buy things online with Gaias.
The exchange of value using Gaias is actual, not representative, not theoretical.
Gaias are not a medium of exchange.
Gaias are the exchange.
Gaias allow for the valuation of value without permitting a medium of exchange to exist as a thing that can itself be valued.
The fact that human beings have not figured this out before now may well be rapidly annihilating life on Earth.
Gaias, themselves, have no value.
Gaias represent a certain amount of value.
Where does value come from? It comes from the one who values.
At the same time, some things have value whether or not a person is there with enough presence of Being to value the full value of the thing, like a tree. A tree is not a thing. A tree is a manifestation of complex living ecosystems, just like you are.
Nature creates value that men in the capitalist patriarchal empire have been secretly stealing and churning into illusionary Dollars which they hoard away out of fear.
That game is over. You don't have to play that game anymore.
The one who pays is the one who decides if what they are paying for is worth the value of whatever they are paying for it.
It has always been this way with money. However, somewhere along the way, men have caused money to misbehave.
Money itself has been given value in capitalist patriarchal empire gameworlds.
When money itself is perceived as valuable people can hoard it. People will kill for money. People will die for money. People attach their identity to how much money they have or do not have.
People spend their lives gambling with money thinking that they are cleverly 'making more money' when in fact they are making nothing of value. They are wasting their lives and contributing nothing to the life and well being of their village.
In next culture, money is no longer valid. Next culture - archearchy - is the culture that is rapidly emerging beneath the news radar around the world as matriarchy and patriarchy run their predictable course.
In next culture, money is replaced by 'Gaias', a natural value currency.
Understanding the difference between Gaias and money is like understanding the difference between weight and mass.
Weight is measured, for example, in Pounds.
Mass is measured, for example, in Kilograms.
A Kilogram of Mass on Earth equals 2.2 Pounds. But on Earth's moon, the one Kilogram of Mass will weigh only one sixth of that in Pounds.
(1/6) of 2.2 Kilograms = 0.366666667 Pounds
Why is that?
Anywhere you go in the universe a Kilogram of any substance has the same amount of Mass. But the Weight of that Mass changes depending on the local Gravitational Field Constant which is pulling on it.
Specifically, if you put 27.2155 Kilograms of anything on a scale on Earth that measures in Pounds, the 27.2155 Kilograms will weigh 60 Pounds.
If you take these same 27.2155 Kilograms of anything to the Moon it will still exist as 27.2155 Kilograms of mass, which takes the same amount of energy to accelerate or decelerate. But the 27.2155 Kilograms will weigh one sixth as much on the Moon - only 10 Pounds - because the pull of gravity on the Moon is one sixth the pull of gravity on the Earth.
Ordinary currencies are like the Mass in Kilograms. They can be converted through currency exchange rates from one currency to the next, just like Kilograms can be converted to Pounds, which is Weight, not Mass, and which conversion would be diffeent on a different planet, just like a Euro converts to a different amount of Yen than it does when converted to Rubles.
Gaias cannot be converted to any other currency because there is no exchange rate with any other currency. Gaias are like weight in Pounds, the value of which changes on the circumstances and the negotiations that are worked out between people.
This is why there can be no exchange rate for Gaias' natural value. Gaias are relational.
With traditional western currencies, nature has no value until money changes hands. A tree is worthless until it is cut down, sawed into boards, and sold at the lumber yard. The more manufactured nature gets, the more value it has in the currencies that are killing planet Earth and her delicately complex ecosystems.
With Gaias, nature has tremendous value before any human being does anything. Nature is valued from being alive, one tree at a time, because nature planted the tree, for example, long ago and nurtured its health until now. The tree has value for being a tree as it interacts with the whole of the ecosystems. The same with all of nature which modern culture refers adolescently to as 'natural resources' that can be mined, harvested, and consumed. Because the ecosystems are not being replenished of value in kind, modern culture is criminal, in fact, criminally insane, to allow anyone to wantonly destroy the delicate balances in nature upon which all life on Earth depends absolutely.
When you understand how Gaias work you become part of the value exchange chain. You enter the ecosystem, creating and receiving value. Each value you create and each value you receive can be negotiated according to its worth compared to sprouting, planting, and caring for a one-year-old living tree.
We might have had a future if we started using Gaias 6000 years ago.
You can still begin using Gaias now.
You can create the best economic experience ever through these four experiments:
1Experiment GAIASxxx.01:
We human beings interact with each other through gameworlds which we have constructed out of nothing and which we have decided to play in together. Checkers, soccer, school, religion, towns, government, money, insurance, property ownership, rent, taxes, driving licenses, banks, loans, credit cards, phone contracts, the grocery store, the post office, etc. etc. etc. are all gameworlds we have created out of nothing. They each have a context, distinctions, thoughtware, and rules of engagement written in a Codex.
We were not taught about our power to create and modify gameworlds because the gameworlds try to protect themselves from being changed. That time is over. The secret is out.
To gain practical experience using distinctions about gameworlds, do the experiments in these three S.P.A.R.K.s:
Spark-057-en: A problem signals the start of the next gameworld.
Spark-125-en: You built the dance floor for the dance you are dancing.
Spark-146-en: Either you consciously design each gameworld you live in or you are a pawn in someone else’s gameworld.
Spark-170-en: You may fear archetypal love because it leaves civilization behind as a stupid gameworld.
Also study the ideas and do the experiments at
You might even consider participating in a Gameworld Builders Lab.
If this stuff turns you on it could be that your Archetypal Lineage is in the Gameworld Builders category! Check it out at
2Experiment GAIASxxx.02:
If you have researched the references given in #1 above, you will no doubt by now realize that the structure of a gameworld and its Rules of Engagement are determined by what you authorize in the gameworld's Codex.
Making Gaias the currency in your gameworld is as straightforward as writing it into your Codex, regardless of whether your gameworld is a knitting circle, an NGO, a strawberry farm, a multinational not-for-profit corporation, an old people's home, or a nanonation.
You can refer to this website in your Codex for further clarifications: Be sure to state clearly that the Gaiai has no exchange rate with any other currency.
The main point here is that you are establishing a platform upon which human beings can enter new territory.
Call it a bridge. You and your Team have been trained to use Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware, but you have decided to implement Gaias as your currency of value exchange. Fine. That is new thoughtware. Nobody already knows how to do this. Your gameworld is a bridge over which people can go to upgrade their thoughtware.
You are framing up the opportunity for Rapid Learning, for Discovery Speaking, for becoming a bridge which others can cross over to regenerative human cultures on Earth. Not a bad deal.
3Experiment GAIASxxx.03:
Moving from here (your current inner and outer circumstances) to there (adding Gaias into your gameworld as your value exchange currency) with nothing in between is sure to involve one or more Phoenix Processes.
In short, a Phoenix Process has three phases. They go roughly (or smoothly...) as follows:
- PHASE 1: Do everything you can, full-out, until you crash and burn.
- PHASE 2: Throw anything combustible into the flames. (That which is real cannot burn.) Let awe arise. Wait there in totally groundless chaos and destruction. Don't do anything. Wait.
- PHASE 3: Nurture whatever comes to life of its own accord. Meaning, whenever you have a really good idea, open your mouth and say something else. There are Transformational forces at work beyond what our comprehension can comprehend. These forces probably helped to cause the chaos. Give them the space to design the next thing. Let emergence be mysterious. Start Over Again at PHASE 1.
Being recently in one Phoenix Process does not innoculate you against dropping into another Phoenix Process almost immediately. Perhaps you know this already. Some Sorceresses say that when you look back on it, life is best during the Phoenix Processes.Pretending to everyone that steady-state conditions are fun doesn't fool anyone, least of all yourself. Intelligent rapid-design-iterations are needed now in all sectors to build the regenerative gameworlds that make the existing uninitiated-adolescent-centered capitalist-patriarchal-empire-gameworlds irrelevant. Do something epic.4Experiment GAIASxxx.04:
The invitation here is to document what works and what does not work in your new gameworld so that others can learn from your efforts.
You are right... this is not 'the American way': Try to get ahead. Trick others into making the same mistakes you did so they fail... Ahhh... yes... The bad old days of Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware.
See, the thing about using Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware is that if you use it, you get Standard Human Intelligence...
Standard Human Intelligence is terminating life on planet Earth...
Let's try something different, shall we? Let's help each other pull ourselves up by the scruff of our necks and set out on a different path, okay? A path that might have a future.
Let's share what we learn while we are knocking around in new territory, trying to use a direct value currency exchange system without a medium (meaning, without money). Let's share what we learn about growing up.
Our own experiments along these lines are shared at:
Become Money -
Gaia Is Hiring -
Adulthood -
Initiations -
Nanonations -
Possibilica -
StartOverHere -
Possibility Managers -
Possibility Management -
Please make your own website and take a stand for what you have taken a stand for. Please share what you learn there with the world, even if what you learn is what does not work.
Please help us give away the treasure. It is the kind of treasure that the more of it you can give away the bigger it grows.
Link us in so we can do the same with you. Evolution is a Winning Happening game.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. Please read this website responsibly. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness. No one can do this for you. No one can stop you from doing it. Our theory is that when we collectively build one million more Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the EXPERIMENTS earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code GAIASxxx.00 to log your earned Matrix Points on Thank you for playing full out!